Merchant Hosted Checkout
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Merchant Hosted Checkout integration is used to process payment method page on merchant website using Galaxy Pay. You can control your transactions, manage your payment pages, and collect payment details. After collecting payment information on your website, the transaction is redirected to Galaxy Pay via API for processing, ensuring a seamless and secure payment experience.
The payer purchases and provides the card details directly to the merchant's application or website.
The application or website creates the transaction request and sends it to GalaxyPay's gateway through an API call.
The gateway passes the transaction to the bank or Service provider for processing.
The Service provider returns a response to GalaxyPay's gateway.
GalaxyPay's gateway generates a transaction response and passes it to merchant's application or website, in response to your API call. The transaction response indicates whether the transaction was successful and includes other response data.
Based on the result of the transaction, the application or website displays a receipt, other confirmation, or an error page to the payer.
The follow sample customer journey is for payment method = INTERNATIONAL CARD:
View information about terms/definitions in Glossary
Customer completes order information and initiates a transaction with a payment method (for example, INTERNATIONAL Card)
Customer enters card information: Card number, Card holder name, card issue date/expired date and CVV. Then clicks "Submit" to proceeds to complete the payment.
After the credentials are entered, and the payment flow is launched, the user is navigated through a secured Galaxy Pay environment that reflects the transaction ID.
The flow takes the user to the login ACS page of the bank, where the user needs to complete the transaction by using the OTP sent by the bank to the registered mobile number.
The customer is shown (failed/successful) on merchant website based on the transaction status from Galaxy Pay
Control over the payment experience. It also provides flexibility to customize your payment solution.
Integration with any application, website, call center, billing system, or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
Communicate directly with the gateway and then, receive a real-time response to the API call. This is a synchronous connection where a payer does not leave your application, which means your session with the payer is not interrupted.
Support for advanced gateway operations, such as captures, refunds, voids, and queries, where the payer is not directly involved.
The prerequisites for integrating with Merchant Hosted Checkout are:
Develop a business application or website to collect the complete payment details of the customers.
Merchant must have already registered for PCI compliance, which is mandatory for all entities seeking to store, process, and transmit cardholder data.
You must have an understanding of the following concepts:
various payment processes
website designing fundamentals
Usability (UX) management principles necessary to build the complete online payments infrastructure on your website.
Sufficient technical bandwidth dedicated to managing the end-to-end web checkout processes in-house consistently.
See integration detail in General integration steps and API fields in here.